Genesee Valley Psych (GVP) is a training clinic comprised of professionals with advanced degrees (PhDs, LMHCs, etc.) who specialize in severe anxiety/OCD, emotion dysregulation, and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI). We are passionate about breaking our expertise out of the Ivory Tower and putting it into your hands.

Check out our "all products" page to see the available trainings

"Genesee Vally Psychology gave us access to materials that helped our organization move our DEI efforts further, without having to schedule a training-- we had employees watch the videos on their own time."

- Jeff T.

"As a family that was hit hard by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, without access to evidence-based care in our area, we found the OCD Family trainings invaluable. They taught us the skills we needed to get our daughter and family back on track- it was life changing"

-The Thompson Family